From CltBP Executive Director Banu Valladares:
Charlotte Bilingual Preschool has a new look! Our schoolhouse logo served us well when our focus was entirely on our Preschool Programs, but for some time now, we have offered programs and resources to children and their families. This evolving identity led us to invest months with marketing experts from Bank of America and Wray Ward exploring how our logo could better communicate the full scope of our vision. We are grateful for their guidance – and so proud of the results!
The full circle, embracing many shapes, represents our core value of comunidad – listening to others, valuing differences, and building trust. I love how many ideas are represented in this image: I see children, flags from the many countries our families are from, and building blocks! As Hispanic Heritage Month ends this week, our new identity reminds us that at Charlotte Bilingual Preschool we celebrate our heritage every day of every month. The new colors communicate the energy and feel of home that we associate with our Latinx cultures.
You will start to notice our new logo everywhere, and I hope it will remind you of the bright and lively future ahead for the children and families of Charlotte Bilingual Preschool!